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How do you run your business from anywhere in the world?
What I often say is, you are asking the wrong question.
Instead of asking how, we should be asking what. Instead of asking myself how
to get where I want to go, I say, “What can I do today to get where I want to
Related: How to Find Your Passion in 5 Creativity Exercises
The biggest misconception I see with entrepreneurs is that they
think there is a clear, set plan, one way to achieve their business goals. The
truth, the only right way is to be consistent and keep following your passion.
The more you show up for yourself and your dreams, the faster your business
will grow. But in my own personal experience and in working with hundreds of
entrepreneurs through my coaching practice, I’ve discovered a clear-cut plan to
help you reach new levels of achievement. In my book "Adventures for Your
Soul," I talk about clear strategies you can apply to make your passion a
profitable reality.
Here are four crystal clear, easy steps from my book that
you can take to make more money doing what you love:
1. Nourish the nudge
It’s important to take action by exploring the nudges of
inspiration that come to you. For example, you may have the idea to start a
sales funnel, go to a new network event, or invest in more education. If these
ideas keep coming back to you, it’s because they are part of your bigger plan.
Making a profit from your passion is a lot like discovering breadcrumbs in the
forest. You have to follow each crumb, inkling, inspirational drop that is
revealed to you. As you take more steps and nourish the nudge, you will become
more clear. This works because you allow yourself to be part of the process
instead of focusing so much on the outcome.
2. Play "Truth or Dare" with your inner child.
A clever way to get more clear about how to make a living
from your passion is to turn the process into a game. Much like the game Truth
or Dare, you ask yourself truth statements, such as “What did I want to be when
I was a child?” “When do I feel most like my best self?” “What brings me the
most joy?” and you dare yourself to take action on these insights. Maybe you
wanted to be singer when you were little. As an adult you can take action by
signing up for a singing class, or singing to your children more. The result
isn't necessarily becoming a professional singer but perhaps using your voice
to inspire others. Maybe the real passion for you is to be on stage, perhaps
you are being guided to become a paid public speaker.
Related: Path to Success: 4 Ways to Reignite Your Passion
This works because you get in touch with your heart’s true
desires, which will lead you to your true purpose.
3. Lean into love.
Most of us stay stuck because we focus on how we aren't
making as much money as we want. This is a lack mentality and puts a strain on
the possibilities. Instead of focusing on how stuck or off track you feel, turn
your attention to love. Focus on the love in your life and what is going well.
Focus on the clients or sales you do have. When we can be grateful for what we
have, we will be able to create a more positive foundation for our future.
Related: 7 Tips for Loving Your Career and Working With
4. Write a letter to your future self.
Your future self is the one who has it figured out; they are
no longer struggling or off track. Visiting your future self by writing a
letter to yourself can help you get out of your own way. What message does your
future self have for you? The answer you get will reveal keys to your true
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